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Middleton-in-Teesdale and Newbiggin Parish Council


There are strict regulations which the Parish Council must comply with to ensure accountability for its proper use of public money.

The annual budget and precept information is available under the 'Annual Budget' menu item and a further menu item give access to full details of the preceding years' Annual Governance and Accountability Returns. 

At each full council meeting (monthly, on the third Tuesday of each apart from August when no meeting is held), councillors receive a detailed Finance Report, which sets out payments to be authorised and shows a bank reconciliation to the end of the previous month. Any other relevant finance-related information is also provided in these reports, which are available to download as part of the agenda and papers for the meeting.

The Parish Council's Financial Regulations set out detailed processes and controls to ensure the proper use of all funds.

The Parish Clerk has also been appointed as the Council's Responsible Financial Officer.

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